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What is belief in Allah?

Question: What is belief in Allah?
The first fundamental principle of īmān is to have belief in Allah. The expression “billahi” in the Āmantu conveys the meaning of having belief in Allahu ta’ālā’s existence and oneness.

The Creator of everything is Allahu ta’ālā. It is He who has created everything on earth and in the heavens, substances, objects, properties, events, powers, laws, and connections. There is no Creator besides Him. It is purported in the Qur’ān al-karīm:
(It is Allah who has created everything.) [Sūrat-uz-Zumar, 62]

(It is Allah who has created you and what you do.) [Sūrat-us-Saffāt, 96]

(Allah, your Rabb, is the Creator of all things.) [Sūrat-ul-Mu’min, 62]

(Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One.) [Sūrat-ur-Ra’d, 16]

(He created everything.) [Sūrat-ul-An’ām, 101]

(Creating belongs to Him.) [Sūrat-ul-A’rāf, 54]

Allahu ta’ālā is One. There is no ilāh besides Him. It is purported in the Qur’ān al-karīm:
(Your Ilāh is one Ilāh. There is no ilāh except Him.) [Sūrat-ul-Baqara, 163]

(There is no ilāh except Allah.) [Sūrat-ul-Baqara, 255; Sūrat-u Āl-i ‘Imrān, 2; Sūrat-un-Nisā’, 87; Sūrat-u Tāhā, 8; Sūrat-ut-Taghābun, 13]

(There is no ilāh except Him.) [Sūrat-u Āl-i ‘Imrān 6, 18; Sūrat-ul-An’ām, 102; Sūrat-ut-Tawba, 31; Sūrat-u Hūd, 14; Sūrat-ur-Ra’d, 30; Sūrat-ul-Mu’minūn, 116; Sūrat-ul-Qasas 88; Sūrat-u Fātir, 3; Sūrat-uz-Zumar, 6; Sūrat-ul-Mu’min 3, 62, 65; Sūrat-ul-Muzzammil, 9]

(Do not say that there are three gods. Allah is the only One Ilāh.) [Sūrat-un-Nisā’, 171]

(He is the only One Ilāh.) [Sūrat-ul-An’ām, 19]

(Your Ilāh is the One Ilāh.) [Sūrat-un-Nahl, 22]

(Your Ilāh is One.) [Sūrat-us-Saffāt, 4]

(He, Allah, is One.) [Sūrat-uz-Zumar, 4]

(He, Allah, is the One.) [Sūrat-ul-Ikhlās, 1]

(Do not take for yourselves two ilāhs. He is the only One Ilāh. Then fear Me alone.) [Sūrat-un-Nahl, 51]

(Your Ilāh certainly is Allah, besides whom there is no ilāh.) [Sūrat-u Tāhā, 98]

(O My Messenger! We revealed each prophet before you, “There is no ilāh except Me. Worship Me.”) [Sūrat-ul-Anbiyā’, 25]

Knowing Allah
It is said that a person who knows Allah will be saved. Many people say Allah’s name and recite prayers. What is meant by knowing Allah?
A person is not considered to have known Allah by only uttering His name or saying prayers. For example, the People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitāb), too, utter His name. Wahhābīs say, “Allah is in the sky (never!).” Some other people, on the other hand, believe nature to be the creator, and they say “Allah” only when they fall into trouble. They do not believe Allah to be the sole Creator and Owner of Absolute Power. Therefore, they are not deemed to have known Allah.

Knowing Him is to believe in the six fundamental principles expressed in the Āmantu in the same way as they are communicated by our religion. Knowing is to love and obey. Those who defy and disbelieve His commandments and prohibitions are not considered to have known Him. If a disobedient person—for instance, a person who does not perform five daily namāzes—says, “I know Allah,” this is mendacity.

Date of Update
27 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi
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