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Belief in the Last Day  >  Death and the life in the grave  >  What should we do to get saved from the torment in the grave?

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What should we do to get saved from the torment in the grave?

Question: What should we do to get saved from the torment in the grave?
In order to get saved from the torment in the grave or Hell, it is imperative that we be Muslims with a correct faith and we observe the commandments of our religion.

The torment in the grave is inflicted mostly on those who splash urine on themselves and who spread gossip among Muslims. There will not be questioning in the grave for those who die on Friday or on Friday night (the night between Thursday and Friday), for those who read (or recite) Sűrat at-Tabâraka [and the Sűrat as-Sajda] every night, and for those who read (or recite) the Sűrat al-Ikhlâs during their illness that is very likely to end in death.

(The grave of a person who does not perform namâz is filled with fire, which burns him day and night. A serpent bites him at every namâz time.)

(Reciting [or reading] Tabâraka Sűra protects a person from the torment in the grave.) [Ibn Murdawayh]

(A Believer who dies on Friday or on Friday night is safe from the torment in the grave.) [Tirmidhî, Abű Nu‘aym]

(Charity protects a person from the torment in the grave.) [Bayhaqî]

(Spreading gossip causes torment in the grave.) [Bayhaqî]

(Much of the torment in the grave will be due to splashing urine on oneself.)
[Ibn Mâja, Nasâî, Hakim, Dâra Qutnî]

(On Friday night, a person who performs two rak’ats of namâz reciting the “Fâtiha” and 15 times “Idhâ zulzilat …” will be safe from the torment in the grave.)

(He who dies when keeping watch in the way of Allah will not experience the torment in the grave.) [Imâm-i Ahmad]

(He who respects the first Friday night of Rajab will not be tormented in his grave.) [Endless Bliss]

(The grave is the first station of the stations in the next world. If a person is saved from this, what lies ahead will be easy for him. If he is not saved from this, what lies ahead will be very tough for him.) [Tirmidhî]

(If a person says the following prayer as he visits the grave of a Believer, that deceased person will be relieved from torment till the Rising Day: Allahumma innî as’aluka bi-hurmati Muhammad alaihis-salâm an lâ tu‘adhdhiba hâdhal-mayyit.) [Atfâl-ul muslimîn]

In a report coming from Hadrat ‘Ali, the following is advised in order for us to attain salvation from the torment in the grave:
1. Reading (or reciting) Âyatu-l-kursî frequently
2. Performing two rak’ats of namâz on Fridays [Those who have the debt of omitted qadâ namâzes cannot perform voluntary namâzes. This namâz is performed by reading the Fâtiha and Sűra Tabâraka in the first rak’at; and the Fâtiha and Sűra Ikhlâs in the second rak’at.]
3. Reciting (or reading) Sűra Ikhlâs 100 times every day. (Zuhra-tur-Riyaz)

Date of Update
14 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi
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