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Allah bas bâqi hawas

Question: What does the expression Allah bas bâqi hawas mean?
Bas means “adequate, sufficient”. Bâqi means “the rest, that which remains.” Hawas means “the longing of the nafs, an ephemeral desire.” Those who say, “Allah bas,” have put their tawakkul in Allahu ta’âlâ. Tawakkul is to put someone else in one’s place to do something or to transfer one’s work upon someone else. In Islamic context, it means to trust in, rely on Allah.

Tawakkul is to accept as being predestined in the eternal past and not to be reduced to sorrow in the face of sad events that cannot be changed by human power. It is to welcome them with open arms in the knowledge that they come from Allah. A person who says “Allah bas [who places his or her trust in Him] that is, who takes Him as his or her wakîl, attains salvation. [wakîl: protector, observer, caretaker, helper.]

Bas is a Persian word. The Arabic equivalent for the expression Allah bas is Hasbiyallah, which means, “Allah suffices for me.” The expression Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakîl means, “Allah suffices for me. How good a wakîl is He to trust in, to rely on.” As for the expression Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakîl, it means, “Allah suffices for us. How good a wakîl is He to trust in, to rely on. The Holy Qur’an declares that the brave Believers say, “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakîl” (Sűrat-u Âl-i ‘Imrân, 173).

Allahu ta’âlâ says the following to our master the Prophet:
(If they wish to deceive you, Allah will suffice for you.) [Sűrat-ul-Anfâl, 62]

([O My Messenger!] If they turn their backs [on you], say: “Hasbiyallahu lâ ilâha illâ huwa ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul ‘arshil ‘azîm = Allah suffices for me. There is no god but He. Only in Him do I trust. Only on Him do I rely. He is the Owner of the great ‘Arsh.) [Sűrat-ut-Tawba, 129] (When you read this Qur’anic verse, if you stop at the word illâ huwa, you should stop by saying illâ hű.)

(Say: “Hasbiyallahu ‘alayhi yatawakkal-ul-mutawakkilűn” = Allah suffices for me. Those who will put their trust put their trust in Him alone.)
[Sűrat-uz-Zumar, 38]

(Trust in Allah! Allah suffices for you as a wakîl.) [Sűrat-un-Nisâ’, 81]

(If a person puts his tawakkul in Allah, He is sufficient for him.) [Sűrat-ut-Talâq, 3]

(When it was said to Believers, “Your enemies have raised an army against you. Beware of them!” this increased their îmân, and they said, “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakîl.”) [Sűrat-u Âl-i ‘Imrân, 173]

The 36th âyah (verse) of Zumar Sűra purports, “Is Allah not sufficient for His born slave?” We should say, “Yes, Allah bas.” Shaitan (Satan) cannot bother such a person. The Qur’ân al-karîm purports:
(Shaitan has no authority over those who have îmân and who put their tawakkul in their Rabb alone.) [Sűrat-un-Nahl, 99]

It is fard (obligatory) for every Muslim to have tawakkul in Allahu ta’âlâ. It is a requirement for îmân as well because the following Qur’anic verse purports:
(If you have îmân, put your tawakkul in Allah.)
[Sűrat-ul-Mâida, 23]

The highest grade for a person is to earn Allahu ta’âlâ’s pleasure and love. Therefore, it is necessary to place one’s tawakkul in Him because the Holy Qur’an purports:
(Certainly Allahu ta’âlâ likes those who have tawakkul.) [Sűrat-u Âl-i ‘Imrân, 159]

(The blessings bestowed upon you in the worldly life are transitory. As for the reward Allah will give in the Hereafter to those who have îmân, who put their tawakkul in their Rabb, and who rely on Him, it is better and more lasting than the worldly blessings.) [Sűrat-ush-Shűrâ, 36]

The ahâdîth below say:
(The expression Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakîl rids a person of all kinds of fears.) [Daylamî]

(A person who says, “Hasbiyallahu lâ ilâha illâhű, ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa Rabb-ul ‘arshil ‘azîm,” seven times in the morning and in the evening gets rid of troubles pertaining to both this world and the next.) [Ibni Sunnî]

(Allahu ta’âlâ dispels the trouble of a person who says this ten times.) [Shir’a]

(When you have trouble, say, “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakîl.) [Ibni Mardawayhî]

(Do not show weakness in taking measures. If you are unable to do something in spite of having taken measures, then say, “Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakîl.) [Bukhârî]

(When Ibrâhîm ‘alaihis-salâm was about to be hurled into the fire, he said, “Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakîl” [which means, “My Allah will suffice for me. How good a helper is He”].) [Hatib]

The same thing is declared in the Qur’ân al-karîm:
(Say: “Allah is sufficient for me.”) [Sűrat-uz-Zumar, 38]
There is not anybody or anything other than Allahu ta’âlâ to rely on or to make a friend with. Taking refuge in someone besides Allahu ta’âlâ has been likened to taking refuge in a spider web. The purport of a Qur’anic verse is as follows:

(The state of a person who takes for himself friends other than Allah is like that of a spider. Truly, the weakest of all dwellings is the nest of a spider.) [Sűrat-ul-‘Ankabűt, 41]

Therefore, we should say “Allah bas [hasbiyallah]” and be true to our word, like Ibrâhîm ‘alaihis-salâm.

Bâqi hawas is mâsiwâ, that is, all things other than Allah. To be busy with things other than Allah, in turn, is to spend one’s time with useless occupations. A hadîth-i sharîf states, “A person’s busying himself with useless occupations is a sign which indicates that Allahu ta’âlâ does not like him” (Maktűbât-i Rabbânî).

Ten sentences
Muhammad bin Hishâm narrates:
Once Ma’rűf-i Karhî said to me: “I will teach you 10 sentences in order for you to attain to happiness both in this world and in the next. The prayer [du’â] of a person who prays so will be accepted.” I asked, “Should I write them down?” He answered, “No, you should not. Just as Bahr bin Hâris taught me them by repetition, so I will teach you them in the same way.” And he reported the following hadîth:

(If a person says these ten sentences after every namâz
[when making du’â], Allahu ta’âlâ accepts his prayers:
1. Allah is sufficient for me for my religious affairs
2. Allah is sufficient for me for my worldly affairs.
3. Allah is sufficient for me concerning my worries
[about both this world and the next].
4. Allah is sufficient for me against those who are jealous of me.
5. Allah is sufficient for me against those who do injustice to me.
6. Allah is sufficient for me against those who intend to do me harm.
7. Allah is sufficient for me at the time of death.
8. Allah is sufficient for me when I am in the grave.
9. Allah is sufficient for me when I am at Mîzân.
10. Allah is sufficient for me when I am at Sirât.

Allah, besides whom there is no god, is sufficient for me. I put my tawakkul in Him. I implore Him.)
[Nawâdir-il Usul, Hakîm-i Tirmudhî]

Date of Update
19 Eylül 2024 Perţembe
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