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Two indispensable bases of îmân (faith)

Question: If a person, though believing in the six tenets of belief expressed in the Amantu, dislikes the friends of Allahu ta’ala and likes His enemies, is such a person not considered a Muslim?
In order for one’s belief in the Amantu to be valid, there are two indispensable conditions:

1. Hubb-i fillah and bughd-i fillah:

Hubb means love, amity. Hubb-i fillah is to love whom you love for the sake of Allah and to make friends for His sake. Bughd means dislike, enmity. Bughd-i fillah is to dislike whom you dislike for the sake of Allah and to feel hostility for His sake. Some pertinent hadith-i sharifs are as follows:

(If a person does not deem enemies of Allahu ta’ala as enemies, his faith will not be true. If he loves Believers for Allah’s sake and deems disbelievers as enemies, he will attain the love of Allahu ta’ala.) [Imam-i Ahmad]

(The Deen is to love [someone] for the sake of Allah and to dislike [someone] for the sake of Allah.) [Abu Nu‘aym, Hakim]

(The basis and the most dependable symptom of faith is hubb-i fillah and bughd-i fillah, that is, having a liking for the sake of Allah and feeling hostility for the sake of Allah.) [Abu Dawud, Imam-i Ahmad, Tabarani]

The Blessed Companions used to perform hubb-i fillah and bughd-i fillah. Two Qur'anic verses purport:

(All those [the Blessed Companions] who are with the Messenger of Allah are hard against disbelievers but merciful and kind to one another.) [Al-Fath 29]

(Allah loves them [the Blessed Companions and other pious people], and they love Allah, too. They are kind to the Believers but dignified and harsh against the disbelievers. They fight in the way of Allah, and they do not fear anyone’s reproach. This is the grace of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills.) [Al-Ma'idah 54]

2. Having faith in the ghayb:

What is essential in faith is to have faith in the ghayb. Having faith in the ghayb is to confirm, that is, to accept and to believe approvingly in the religion that the Messenger of Allah communicated as the Prophet without consulting mind, experience, and philosophy to see whether it is agreeable with them. Three Qur'anic verses purport:

(Those muttaqis [those who fear Allah and abstain from sins] believe in the ghayb [believe in what My Prophet communicated], perform salat, and spend out of the property We have given them [for zakat and for all kinds of charity].) [Al-Baqarah 3]

(In order to make evident those who believe in Allah’s religion, His prophets, the ghayb and who help …) [Al-Hadid 25]

(You warn only those who fear their Lord without seeing Him and who perform salat.) [Fatir 18]

A hadith-i sharif says:
(When Allahu ta’ala wishes to do a favor to a slave of His, He opens the eye of his heart, and that slave believes in the ghayb.) [Daylami]

Date of Update
19 Eylül 2024 Perţembe
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